Replica Watch Repair. Certified Master (C.M.E.W) Watchmaker and Service. (866) 821-9991 Replica Watch Repair A replica or copy watch is an example of a real model watch in looks and appearance. Generally they fall into two categories. Grade A and grade B. We repair the Grade A Swiss replica watches. Models for example a Replica Rolex, Replica Breitling, Replica Chopard, Replica Bvlgari and Replica IWC just to name a few will look very close to the original, but its actually a "copy or fake" that has top quality swiss parts such as a swiss movement, sapphire crystal, heavy case & band, plating, ect. These models can start in the $1000 + range. Replica Watches Repaired - Copy Watches Repaired Replica Rolex Watch Repair, Replica Breitling Watch Repair, Replica Chopard Watch Repair, Replica Bvlgari Watch Repair, Replica IWC Watch Repair and more!!!! We at Ohio Watch Repair understand and value our customers. We want you to feel 100% confident that when you send your Grade A Swiss Replica watch to us for repair and service you are getting the most personalized and quality service available. What to expect: Services Performed Warranty Shipping Watch Repair Estimates If you have any other questions or concerns on a watch repair please feel free to contact me. Most of the time I can give you a ballpark watch repair estimate over the phone before you send your Replica watch repair in and I will then give you shipping instructions over the phone. If you would prefer, Please feel free to call me at 513-347-0153 or toll free @ 866-821-9991. Or please feel free to email me direct, and I'll be happy to give you a watch repair estimate over the phone or your watch repair estimate via email at no charge. Or...if you just want to send your Replica Watch to me for repair anytime. simply click here for shipping instructions. |